Sunday, March 29, 2009

Wolfgang Puck Electric Saucier

If your arm wears out before you've created the perfect, smooth sauces or if you simply lack the manual dexterity or ability to perform repetitive whipping motions, then you'll love our Wolfgang Puck Bistro Electric Saucier. This compact-sized, handy device also whips milk, cream and other dairy products and froths beverages like chocolate milk as it heats the delectable treat into award-winning hot chocolate. You can also use it to make homemade mayonnaise, desserts and dessert toppings.The Saucier comes equipped with a heating element that optionally heats as it works. And it automatically turns off when the cycle is completed for perfect results.They're even imprinted with their use - cream, sauces and froth - to make using the Saucier virtually goof proof! And a built-in flavor hatch in the lid makes adding ingredients mess free and easy even while it's running. The Saucier also has a built-in handle and spout to enable you to pour your processed ingredients directly onto the foods or into a cup or serving piece without a mess.

Good lighting is a main ingredient of a successful trade-show booth. Just the right lighting system can help an artist create the atmosphere of a fine-craft gallery. This will lure gallery owners off the isles and into your booth the first step toward making a sale.

Lighting is a relatively expensive investment. So how does the budget-conscious artist find the right solution?

When it comes to choosing a lighting system, artists new to the trade show circuit often become overwhelmed. Prices vary wildly, and each convention center may have its own lighting rules. Lighting technology is changing rapidly, making the choices harder still.

This article details what I learned while tackling the challenge of lighting my 10X10 booth at the American Craft Retailers Expo (ACRE), a large wholesale show for American and Canadian craft artists. As I am new to trade shows, this information is meant only as a pointer for artists in the process of choosing lighting, and perhaps also for more seasoned artists looking to update their systems.

In examining many different lighting options, my objective was to illuminate my glass jewelry beautifully but inexpensively. I wanted the lights to be lightweight and modular, to fit in boxes for shipping to the show. I was looking for contemporary styling, in silver or black. And I wanted to have at least one special lighting effect not too flashy to give my booth a unique element.

In his CD on booth design, art business consultant Bruce Baker suggests 1,000 watts will light up a 10X10 booth very effectively. I decided to stay at or under 500 watts, however, because the ACRE show includes 500 watts with the booth price, and the halogen lighting I ultimately decided upon illuminates my displays very well. Since I bought the lights at a big-box store with sites in virtually every city in the U.S., I can add more lights once Im at the trade show if necessary.

The Battle of the Bulb

Contractors Choice Lighting ( says a light fixture is simply a bulb holder. The bulb, therefore, should drive ones choice of a fixture. This is somewhat true for trade-show lighting, although the fixtures may dictate the types of bulbs, depending on the choices available at the store where one shops for the lights. The CCL website offers a Bulb Photometrics page (, whose graphical representation is a refreshing departure from the complex descriptions of lighting options that have proliferated on the web.

Halogen is the bulb of choice for many trade show exhibitors. It offers a crisp, white light. Although people commonly refer to halogen as non-incandescent, it is in fact a kind of incandescent lamp. It generates light by using a thin filament wire made of tungsten, heated to white by passing an electric current through it. According to General Electric, the first halogen lamp was developed in 1959 not too long ago for many of us!

Halogen bulbs differ significantly from the traditional type of incandescents we grew up with. The halogen bulbs filament is surrounded by halogen gases (iodine or bromine, specifically). These gases let the filaments operate at higher temperatures. The end result is a higher light output per watt.

The gases also do something rather miraculous: Tungsten tends to evaporate off the filament over time, and the gases actually help re-deposit the tungsten onto the filament. This extends the bulbs life way beyond that of the traditional incandescent bulb, whose evaporated tungsten clings to the walls of the bulb like a smoky apparition and eventually the uncoated filament snaps. Who hasnt rattled a burnt-out light bulb and enjoyed the jazzy cymbal sound of the broken filament inside?

In addition to giving off more light than traditional incandescent bulbs, halogen bulbs emit a whiter light that provides better color rendition. For highlighting and bringing out true colors, use halogen lamps, suggests USA Light and Electrics website ( Nothing looks better than the drama brought in with halogen lamps.

Baker also suggests halogen lights floodlights in particular for a contemporary look, especially for jewelry and glass. Its important to consider that other fine craft materials such as ceramics and wood might be better enhanced with halogen spotlights, or even with some of the more traditional incandescent lights that emit a warmer color.

Having decided upon halogen lighting, my next task would be to choose bulbs. The ACRE show takes place at the Las Vegas Convention Center, which has instituted a strict halogen lighting policy. Each light cannot exceed 75 watts, and all halogen bulbs must be factory sealed in glass (not in a removable lens or linear shape).

Thankfully, there is plenty of factory-sealed halogen lighting, in the form of PAR halogen bulbs. PAR is an acronym for parabolic aluminized reflector. PAR bulbs have a built-in reflecting surface made of pressed glass. The glass provides both an internal reflector and prisms in the lens for control of the light beam.

PAR bulbs are numbered, as in PAR 16, PAR 20, PAR 56. The PAR number refers to the bulb shape. has a halogen section of the site where you can quickly compare the various PAR bulbs visually. Within a given category of PAR bulbs there are various wattages, wide and narrow spotlights and floodlights, different base sizes, and even different colors.

Fortunately I was able to skip the process of deciding on a PAR bulb by deciding first where to shop for my lights (more on that below).

Power Issues

When you go to shop for track lights, youll notice theres a choice between 12-volt and 120-volt fixtures. 120 is the standard voltage that comes directly into most homes and offices and convention centers.

For a lamp using 120 volts, no additional parts are necessary beyond a regular socket. 120-volt fixtures generally are lighter than 12-volt fixtures because they dont need a transformer. They also cost less and can use halogen or regular incandescent bulbs.

I stopped short of investigating 12-volt fixtures, except to find out that they step down the amount of energy being used to a lower voltage, and thus are more energy efficient. They require a transformer to convert the 120-volt household current to 12 volts, and they may require hardwiring (although one artist I know found a 12-volt fixture with a built-in transformer which she was able to plug into a 120-volt outlet. A 12-volt fixture accommodates very efficient bulbs that offer a variety of wattages and beam spreads, including the 50-watt MR-16, which is popular in galleries.

I decided on 120-volt lighting for the trade show, because I wouldnt have to worry about transformers and could just plug it in.

Choosing a Store and Track Lighting

I read the ACRE online forum for clues about where to buy lighting. What one artist said struck me as eminently sensible: He buys all his lighting at Home Depot, because if anything goes wrong at the show, he can find a store nearby for replacement parts.

This was something to consider: Tempting as the gorgeous designs might be, special-order lighting of any kind introduces the risk of having a malfunctioning light for the duration of a show.

Another artist on the ACRE online forum said he buys his lights from Lowes. It probably doesnt matter which big-box store one chooses, as long as theres one in every city.

Since I was new to trade shows and this was to be my first lighting kit, I resisted choosing from the many good suppliers on the web. I settled on the limited but attractive selection at Lowes. A side benefit of this was that my choices were comfortably narrowed.

Within the category of halogen lighting, you can get either track lights or stem-mounted lights (with arms extending outward). I went with track lights. This was partly because the stem lights I found on the web were relatively expensive and Lowe's didnt offer them, and partly because with track lights I could have one cord instead of several hanging down.

The Lowes lighting salesperson was helpful in putting together a full package from the track lighting on display and in stock. I decided on four, two-foot tracks to keep the size of my shipping boxes down. Heres a rundown of what I bought:

4 two-foot track sections, Portfolio brand, black finish, Item #225678. Each section holds 2 lights, for a total of 8. Total: $23.12

8 Flared Gimbal Track Lights, Portfolio brand, Item #120673, with a satin chrome finish for a contemporary look. They are easy to attach to the track by following the directions. Total: $80.76

8 halogen bulbs, Par 20, 50-watt, for bright, crisp light. I bought several floodlights and a couple of spotlights. The bulbs are very packable, at a little over 3 long and 2.5 in diameter. Total: $60.00

2 Miniature Straight Connectors by Portfolio, Item #120716, for joining two of the track sections end to end. The idea is to have only one cord to plug in from a row of four lights. Total: $5.92.

2 Cord and Plug Sets, Portfolio brand, Item #120827, to power track from a standard AC wall outlet. I connected these to the end of the two of the track sections by unscrewing the covering on one side of the track. Total: $17.06

Various Multi-Purpose Ties (cable ties), by Catamount, for attaching tracks to booth pipes. Total: $5.00

2 heavy-duty extension cord/power strips 14-gauge, 15-feet, with three outlets each, Woods brand, from Lowes, Item #170224, model 82965. Total: $22.00

Grand total: $213.86

The Gimbal lights I chose only accept a 50-watt, PAR 20 bulb, which made it easy to pick out the bulbs. So in this case, the fixture drove the choice of bulb, not the other way around.

According to the Bulb Photometrics page at Contractors Choice Lighting, a PAR 20, 50-watt halogen flood bulb will emit a beam of light with a 54 diameter when it reaches 10 feet away. It offers about 12 foot-candles worth of light at 10 feet away from the bulb (a foot-candle is the level of illumination on a surface one foot away from a standard candle.)

For the sake of comparison, a PAR 30 beam offers a diameter of more than 8 at 10 feet away, and you still get about 14 foot-candles at that distance. What happens if you notch it up to a 75-watt bulb? You get a lot more foot-candles (38) at 10 feet away. This suggests that larger trade-show booths might want to take advantage of higher PAR and higher watt bulbs.

All together, the track lighting system I chose uses 400 watts of electricity. This left me another 100 watts to add specialty or accent lighting to my booth, while still remaining at the 500-watt limit.

Cords, Plugs and Hanging Lights

The Las Vegas Convention Center has very strict rules for cords, plugs, and hanging lights.

The two-pronged, 18-gauge cords that the manufacturer has attached to your lights are acceptable (leave the UL tags and labels intact). These lighting cords cannot be plugged into the convention center outlet, however. Instead, you must plug them into a three-pronged, heavy duty, 14-gauge extension cord or a breaker strip with a 14-gauge cord. You can then plug that 14-gauge extension cord into the convention center outlet.

A 14-gauge extension cord is capable of handling 1,825 watts. Its helpful to read the brief extension-cord sizing and safety information on the web pages of the Underwriters Laboratories ( and the University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service ( before purchasing a cord.

Bruce Baker suggests the cord be 20 feet with six outlets, and that it include a cord reel. I couldnt find this type of cord at Lowes, so I decided on two 15-foot, heavy-duty, 14-gauge extension cord/power strips, each offering three outlets. If you have a larger booth, you can find a 25-foot cord with three outlets at Lowes.

There are so many different approaches to hanging lights, and so many variables to consider, that it could be a topic for another article. In general, you can hang or clip lights onto a cross bar or onto the hard walls of your display if you have them. Depending on the rules of a particular trade show and the size your lighting system, you may be permitted to attach the lights to the booths existing pipe and drape.

Since my booth design does not include my own walls, my lights will attach either to the existing pipe or to a cross bar. Cable ties (commonly called zip ties) appear to be tool of choice for attaching tracks to the pipes or bars, and even for attaching additional cross bars to existing pipe and drape. One artist I know uses Velcro strips, followed by cable ties to secure the attachments. There are a few entire websites for cable ties. One of them is .

I purchased Multi-Purpose Ties from Home Depot. They can bundle 4 inches in diameter, withstand temperatures up to 185 degrees Fahrenheit, and hold up to 50 lbs.

Accent Lighting: LEDs

There are many ideas for accent lighting although a fair treatment of the topic is beyond the scope of this article. Light-emitting diode (LED) lighting is one technology that is experiencing breakthroughs and growing fast. It takes many LEDs to equal the light output of a 50-watt bulb, and LEDs are fairly expensive, so LEDs arent ready for prime time when it comes to lighting a whole booth.

There are several close-up applications for LEDs, however, that are worth looking into now. An example is the in-counter light bar sold by MK Digital Direct at (at a whopping $175 per foot). The more affordable MK Sparkle Light Pocket ($30) is a portable device that has extra long-life of over 100,000 continuous hours and promises to give jewelry maximum sparkle and scintillation.

The Nexus mini LED light system (, meanwhile, offers a lot of illumination for its size a puck shape not much bigger than a quarter. The company says it is for direct display lighting of crystal and glass, and it can even be submerged in water. The light is attached to a 12 cable that ends in a plug, and has mode switch with seven different color choices. Unfortunately, white is not one of the color choices, and at $25 its a bit expensive. Still, a few of these lights combined with room lighting could draw viewers into your booth and toward your most dramatic displays.

LEDS also include tube lights, flexible lights, linear lights, and bulbs. Superbright LEDs ( ) has a collection of 120-volt screw-in LED bulbs for accent and other low-lighting applications, as well as a host of other fascinating products such as plant up-light fixtures.

At this writing, the search was still on for accent lighting to give my booth an extra special glow. Stay tuned for a future article on the results.

Online Resources

The following list is not an endorsement, but rather a starting point for research on lighting systems, cable ties, and accent lighting. - inexpensive and many choices, has Bulb Photometrics page to help determine how much light and what kind you want from a bulb - stem-mounted and track lights - large selection of lighting and bulbs - quick visual comparison of PAR bulbs (in halogen section) - Cable (zip) ties for securing track lights to pipe - LED lights for jewelry cases - a nice selection and visual layout of stem-mounted and other lighting (but not cheap) - good technical information and images of lights set-ups for trade shows; several stem-mounted clip-on designs - LED accent lighting, including screw-in bulbs and light bars

Alice Horrigan is a glass artist living in Ithaca, New York (Artist #23436)
Retailers may see Alice's work at the American Craft Retailers Expo (ACRE) wholesale show, May 2-4, 2007, Booth #333. Pre-show appointments call 607-351-3284, or write to .

puck electric wok

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Wolfgang Puck Electric Wok Stainless Steamer Insert

Take your favorite countertop wok to new heights with this Wolfgang Puck Electric Wok 14" Stainless Steel Steamer Insert. Custom designed specifically for the Wolfgang Puck Electric Wok this impressive cooking surface lets you cook family size portions of a variety of vegetables without losing flavor, freshness or nutrients.What is Refurbished? When a product is refurbished, it is made to look like and operate as a brand new item should. Many times it is as simple as the box being opened by mistake or for quality checks. Once the box has been opened, that item cannot be sold as new. Items with serious malfunctions are not refurbished, it would cost too much to refurbish them to 'like new' condition. Each refurbished item we feature is completely inspected, rerun down the production line and triple checked for quality before being packed and shipped. Most of the time the only difference between new and refurbished is the brown box and the lower price, which is your gain as an educated consumer. We are so confident with the quality of our refurbished items that we offer a full 30 day return policy with every purchase, so buy with confidence!

Protecting your pride and joy and one of your largest investments this winter. The automobile has become an extension of its owners personality as well as representing a huge chunk of our hard earned income. Lets face it, as Americans we love our cars. We want them to look good, cruise smoothly and last a long time. Then of course there is the weather. Man is constantly adapting to his environment and adjusting to his climate. We put stuff on the roads so we can drive in any weather without fear of becoming the next human driven hockey puck.

During the Winter Months different agencies apply different things to the roads to keep them drivable like salt, sand and chemicals such as de-icing chemicals, which are environmentally friendly but can destroy a regular wax job. Magnesium Sulfate works great to keep cars from sliding into the guardrails and ditches, but it plays hell on an automobiles finish. With rust and corrosion threatening to destroy your investment and reduce the value of your car by thousands of dollars the stakes become high. We may not be able to control the weather quite yet, but we can give you the tips from years of experience and industry knowledge to help you minimize your risk, fight back against jack frost and work with mother nature to co-exist and cruise successfully through winter. How can you win the war on winter?

Winter is coming and will soon be in full swing. Roads will be packed with vacationers and outdoor sports aficionados. You and your car need to be ready. We know from experience that bare metal will rust when exposed to moisture and harsh elements. Take a look around your car, are there paint chips? Even small chips can allow moisture to get underneath your cars finish and work its way all the way through the metal. Holes in your car needless to say will not improve your chances for good resale value. And if your car is on a lease they will be hitting you hard on its return. There are several things you can do to take care of these chips now. To find a chip repair person go to and find one of their 500 mobile chip repair dealers. If you have a fiberglass body or a primarily plastic car such as a Saturn it may not be as critical if you have a chip or two.

Every car that drives through harsh winter climates needs some type of undercoating. There are many options. You can go down to your local auto parts store, buy a can of undercoating and spray it on yourself or you can go to any auto detailing company and have it done for about $80-100. There are a few detailing companies who have a number of stores throughout the country as well as mobile units, which can provide this undercoating for you. You can also go, they have 216 stores Nationwide. They have been closing stores at a fast rate of about 30 per year. They charge about $200-300 and will touch up the undercoating job free each year. They use this as a gimmick to get you in their store next year to sell you more stuff. Their guarantee is of questionable value since if the store closes then who will do the guarantee wok. Another problem with the lifetime guarantee is that most people do not own their cars for their entire life

If you own a truck or a cargo van you may consider a lining. There are a few different types of linings. Rhino Lining at has a rubber like lining. An average bed runs about $300. There is Line X, which is a harder liner at and Permatech at which has a really good liner that is between the hard Line X liner and the softer a Rhino Lining. All these brands have hundreds of franchisees and dealers. You can conveniently search their websites to find a location near you. The going rate is around $300 for an 8 ft bed and you can negotiate a little with your local dealer.

What can you do to protect your cars paint? Several things. It is important to understand the different types of wax and how they perform against salt spray tests. Carnauba the most popular wax name amongst consumers, will not hold up well under harsh salt conditions, de-icing wetted areas or on magnesium chloride soaked roads. It does however work well against roads, which have been covered, with sand. Teflon and silicone waxes do not work well in any of these conditions or in colder climates. So what is the best modern wax for these Winter environments? Polymers work best, but are usually put on in a liquid form and therefore goes on in thinner coats. It may take several coats to insure that the protection last longer than three months. It is best to put on several coats and then re-apply in three months. If you do not feel that you want to do this yourself you can call several companies that provide onsite service at home or office. National Detail Systems at has over 300 dealers. Ask for polymer wax and ask for a multiple coat discount. Expect to pay $65-90 plus $15-25 for each additional coat from National Detail Dealers. It will vary significantly from dealer to dealer. The Car Wash Guys have standard pricing and charge $35 for an exterior polymer coat and charge $10 for additional coats. Many car washes also have express detailing service starting at anywhere from $35-55. To get a listing of car washes go to the new J.D. Powers Car Club website. This site is quite helpful. The website will give you a map to the nearest carwash based on the zip code you put in. You can print it out and drive down and get your car waxed. Fixed site carwashes vary so much from operator to operator it is hard to say what additional coats might cost, it may even depend on the day of the week you go, which manager is working and how busy they are that day. You should try to go on a Tuesday.

You may wish to put a protective coating on your cars carpets. The very popular product ScotchGuard was taken off the market this year due to environmental problems in manufacturing and is no longer available. Blue Coral does make a similar aerosol product although not as good as the former 3M leading brand. With new genetic woven splicing of nylon into cotton plants we are seeing a new breed of interior carpeting in vehicles. It is more durable easier to clean and holds up well under multiple steam cleaning passes. Perhaps a simple plastic cover over the carpets might be your best bet. Most modern day min-vans come standard with plastic covers and if yours did not, you can buy plastic covers for next to nothing at any auto parts store.

There are also some very high tech solutions to automotive protection. For window glass there is a hydrophobic treatment called Diamon Fusion. There is a company at , which can apply this for you. It prevents chips in the window and allows you to drive in heavy rain without use of wipers. A simple solution may be RainX, which can be purchased at any auto parts store for about $5. All of the companies listed in this article can also put on RainX for you. Be sure to ask them to apply it to the interior windows also because it prevents unnecessary fogging when you do not have your defroster set exactly right. The coating industry has evolved and out of the NASA Space Program came a glass coating used on the tiles on the bottom of the Space Shuttle, which can be put on at room temperature. It is put on 2 to 4 milimeters thick. Glass of course is impervious to moisture. For more information go to This new revolution in ceramic technology is also being perfected by the Japanese. PP&G, the leading automotive paint company, is also on the cutting edge of this new field and we may soon have a new and more advanced clear coat for cars for the 21st century. That is the good news. We may see a new clear coat for cars coming out which will make waxes obsolete in the next few years. The bad news is that for now there is no substitute for waxes, coatings and undercoating. You can pay now or pay later. You really should consider protecting your investment. If you neglect to take this opportunity to plan your winterizing strategy, Mother Nature already has a plan of her own and she is coming soon.

Many people are only going to keep their car for two years on a lease and then trade it in for a new model. So if there are no chips in the paint, you may only need a single coat of polymer wax and new windshield wiper blades before Winter. If you are going to keep your car for many years however protect your investment against the inevitable Winter. Please realize that most manufacturers warranties on bodies and paint do not cover salt or environmental damage. If you pay attention to these simple things you can cruise through winter with no problems providing your tires dont get recalled and you can still afford the gas.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

puck electric wok

Friday, March 27, 2009

Wolfgang Puck Electric Wok Stainless Steamer Insert

Take your favorite countertop wok to new heights with this Wolfgang Puck Electric Wok 14" Stainless Steel Steamer Insert. Custom designed specifically for the Wolfgang Puck Electric Wok this impressive cooking surface lets you cook family size portions of a variety of vegetables without losing flavor, freshness or nutrients.What is Refurbished? When a product is refurbished, it is made to look like and operate as a brand new item should. Many times it is as simple as the box being opened by mistake or for quality checks. Once the box has been opened, that item cannot be sold as new. Items with serious malfunctions are not refurbished, it would cost too much to refurbish them to 'like new' condition. Each refurbished item we feature is completely inspected, rerun down the production line and triple checked for quality before being packed and shipped. Most of the time the only difference between new and refurbished is the brown box and the lower price, which is your gain as an educated consumer. We are so confident with the quality of our refurbished items that we offer a full 30 day return policy with every purchase, so buy with confidence!

If you're ready to begin playing air hockey there are some important things you need to know before you begin. If you want to play the right way you need to know a minimum of 5 air hockey rules. Just follow these five rules for a fun, fair game of air hockey.

1. One of the most overlooked rules when playing air hockey is using your mallet to stop the puck. More specifically lifting the mallet and placing it on top of the puck. This is known as "topping" and cannot be done at any time whether before a serve or after a serve during play.

This is probably the one rule you want to keep in your back pocket next time you play. More than likely your opponent will not remember this rule and at some point during play will "top" the puck. This is a foul and you will receive the puck.

2. Another rule that many forget in their attempt to strike the puck is reaching too far and crossing the center line with their mallet. This results in a foul and the puck is given to the other player.

I have been guilty of this one way to many times. I get so focused on the game that when the puck inevitably slow down in the center of the table I reach to gain that extra advantage over my opponent only to reach to far giving the advantage back to my opponent. Don't make this mistake and watch to make sure your opponent doesn't make it to.

3. In reference to the above rule, there is a rule that states, "When the puck is in contact with any part of the center line, either player may strike the puck." So you can cross the center line with your mallet in an attempt to strike the puck only when the puck is in contact with the center line.

4. Once the puck crosses the center line a player has 7 seconds to execute the shot. Failure to hit the puck back to the opposing player's side results in a foul and the puck will be given back to the opposing player.

5. And the fifth rule to be aware is also the easiest to remember, what score do you need to win the air hockey game? Well the answer is 7. Just remember lucky number 7 and you'll know what you need to win in the game of air hockey.

So if you really want to play air hockey follow these minimum of 5 rules and chances are you will catch your opponent breaking one of them!

If you would like to see all the rules visit, Air Hockey Rules today!

Aaron Almus operates, your premier site for high quality, low cost air hockey games. We have partnered with the most trusted auction site in the world to bring you all the major brands of air hockey tables in both new and used condition.

puck electric wok

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Wolfgang Puck Reversible Grill / Griddle

One appliance, two cooking surfaces, indoor grilling any time from Wolfgang Puck! SAVE BIG! An electric Reversible Grill / Griddle from one of the most influential chef-restauranteurs in America! This refurbished Grill / Griddle works like new... satisfaction guaranteed! And you'll enjoy the BIG savings! Just set it on a counter, table or other flat surface, plug it in, warm it up and go! Make steaks, chicken and fish on the Grill side. Whip up pancakes, eggs, sandwiches and more on the Griddle side. Cleaning's a breeze, and several sure-fire recipes are included. 1,800W unit is for indoor use only; Nonstick surface, scraping tool and removable metal drip tray; Plastic base with stainless steel accents; Stay-cool handles; 37" detachable power cord offers adjustable temperature control; Base and grill plate are dishwasher safe; hand wash drip tray 22 x 13 1/8 x 3 3/4"h., 11 lbs; 4 ozs. Act Now! Wolfgang Puck Reversible Grill / Griddle(refurbished)

Taking good care of our bodies is something that many of us do without giving it a second thought. We may eat properly, go to the gym, play squash, swim or take part in any other kind of exercise that is good for us. Eating correctly doe not really throw that many problems up at us, there may be the odd thing here and there that may not agree with us but on the whole eating well and healthily is a good starting point on the road to be fit and in good condition. The body however is a complicated piece of machinery and although it needs both fuel from food and exercise to stay healthy there is a very fine balance between too much of either aspect of this.

We need to exercise to strengthen and develop our muscle group as well as to keep our vital organs strong and healthy, such as our heart and lungs, but too much exercise can be harmful to the body if not understood correctly and approached in the correct manner. Each sport that we participate in uses some kind of muscle strength to complete tasks, whether it be golf, soccer, swimming or cycling, all require a certain amount of muscle strength but each sport uses different muscles and uses them in a different way to the way they may be used in another discipline. For instance an athlete who runs in the 100 meters at the Olympics uses his muscles in a totally different way to the way a 1500 meter runner would use and develop his. Both are using leg muscles and arm muscles to propel themselves but in a totally different way.
This is the same with each sport, and to ensure that we stay injury free when playing sport or keeping fit it is important to understand what muscle groups we are using, how much we need to train them and how to ensure that we do not injure those muscles.

An effective warm up routine is always a wise idea no matter what sport you will be taking part in, stretching the relevant muscle groups that are going to be used is vital to ensure that you do not tear any muscles. But do not think by doing a quick stretch that everything will be ok, you need to stretch thoroughly and not only the major muscle groups that are being used but the stabilising muscles also. For instance a golfer should stretch his shoulders, triceps, biceps and forearms before taking his first swing of the day and then take a few slower swings to give the muscles that extra stretch.

The same goes for all sports, common sense must prevail before starting. But taking care of your muscles is not the only thing that need that you should be aware of to prevent injury in sport. Your eyes are possibly more important than any muscle group in the body, you can recover from a torn hamstring but a golf ball or hockey puck to the eye is a totally different thing. In any activity where it is possible to wear protective eyewear you should do so. Even where there is not an inherent danger of getting hit in the eye from a flying object the rays from the sun can still do hidden damage to your eyes that over a prolonged period of time can result in severely impaired eyesight. Sports eyewear has come a long way over the past ten years, sports glasses are now more fashionable, lighter and more comfortable to wear than ever before so you should have no excuse for not putting on the correct eyewear as soon as you have finished your sports warm up.

For more info on all things protective eyewear and sports please visit our site -
Protective Sports Eyewear
Please feel free to republish this article provided a working hyperlink remains to our site
Harwood E Woodpecker

puck electric wok

Thursday, March 19, 2009

puck electric wok

puck electric wok

When you think of playing indoors, do you think of your Wii? Do your thoughts automatically go to your board game collection? Or do you have something a little bigger in mind?

If you're looking to expand your indoor fun, why not try your hand at an indoor sport or two? There are tons of options out there, limited only by what type of space and spending allowance you have. Even available space need not be a great consideration these days, since lots of popular indoor sport games tables come in a variety of sizes. This variety definitely can accommodate even the smallest of spaces.

What indoor sports come to your mind when you think about it? Probably air hockey, pool, table tennis, and foosball come to mind. Darts and bean bag tossing, known as "Baggo" or "CornHole" to some might also pop into your head. Laser tag could also be considered an indoor sport, but does require a considerable amount of fairly expensive equipment.

The biggies, though, have to be Air Hockey, Pool, and Ping-Pong. These are all sports which are played on a "games table" and require, if not a lot of skill, a commitment to having fun. Of course, some might argue with me on the "skill" part, but I say that you can play any of these games whether you are "good" or not.

If you have an air hockey table, plug it in and go have fun. Grab a mallet, cool your fingers in the jets of air, and get started! Sliding that puck across the table, banking it off the sides and hearing that satisfying "kachunk" when it slides into the goal is what it's all about. This, among all indoor sports, is one that almost anyone can play.

Of course, it would be difficult to play this game alone; unlike pool or ping-pong (in which you can fold up half the table and bounce the ball off of it racquetball-style). However, I'm sure there are lots of enterprising individuals out there who have come up with a way. Aside from that, though, air hockey is a fun game that appeals to almost everyone. From grandmas to little boys, almost everyone has played a game or two at some point.

You can also find air hockey tables almost anywhere. While you might not see many "Air Hockey Halls", you can be sure to find them at your local arcades, family fun centers, bowling alleys, hotel game rooms and even skating rinks. Churches with active youth groups and even some middle and high schools may even have them. No matter where you go, you are likely to bump into one of these fun games tables.

If the top 3 indoor sports are air hockey, pool and ping-pong, my vote goes to air hockey. It appeals to everyone, can be found virtually anywhere, and are fun and satisfying to play. If you haven't already, hop in the car, on your bike, or onto the bus and find a place to shoot some puck.

To Find more about teak furniture. Website provides info about wood patio chair and adirondack products.

puck electric wok

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wolfgang Puck Reversible Grill / Griddle

One appliance, two cooking surfaces, indoor grilling any time from Wolfgang Puck! SAVE BIG! An electric Reversible Grill / Griddle from one of the most influential chef-restauranteurs in America! This refurbished Grill / Griddle works like new... satisfaction guaranteed! And you'll enjoy the BIG savings! Just set it on a counter, table or other flat surface, plug it in, warm it up and go! Make steaks, chicken and fish on the Grill side. Whip up pancakes, eggs, sandwiches and more on the Griddle side. Cleaning's a breeze, and several sure-fire recipes are included. 1,800W unit is for indoor use only; Nonstick surface, scraping tool and removable metal drip tray; Plastic base with stainless steel accents; Stay-cool handles; 37" detachable power cord offers adjustable temperature control; Base and grill plate are dishwasher safe; hand wash drip tray 22 x 13 1/8 x 3 3/4"h., 11 lbs; 4 ozs. Act Now! Wolfgang Puck Reversible Grill / Griddle(refurbished)

Hockey is one of the most popular contact games played in the US, probably next only to soccer and rugby. There are several versions of hockey played such as field, inline, rink and ice hockey. All use specialized gear and equipment.

The basic equipment of hockey is a stick, which may be about three feet long. Hockey sticks are round and generally made of wood covered with fiberglass; aluminum sticks are also used and both varieties feature suede and rubber grips. Field hockey sticks have hooked bases, which are rounded at one end and flat at the other to accurately smack the ball into the goal. Ice hockey and inline hockey sticks have broader bases and most are designed for right-handed players. When holding the upper portion of the stick with your left hand and the lower portion with your right, the base curves forward, forming a shallow scoop for catching and guiding the puck.

Field hockey uses a molded plastic ball. Ice hockey and inline hockey use hard, vulcanized rubber discs called pucks. Both balls are sized according to hockey associations. The objective of any version of hockey is to guide the ball or puck towards the goal net. Goal nets are supported by steel frames and have durable synthetic nylon nets.

Protective gear and team jerseys are just as important as the skates or footwear, the stick and the puck. Protective hockey gear is comprised of a chest protector, a helmet, large padded shorts, shin pads, a neck protector, and other gear. Make sure you use all protective gear whenever you play hockey. Some pick-up games of hockey are not played with protective gear, but safety should come first.

Hockey Equipment provides detailed information on Hockey Equipment, Ice Hockey Equipment, Ice Hockey Goalie Equipment, Field Hockey Equipment and more. Hockey Equipment is affiliated with Hockey Tickets.

puck electric wok

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

puck electric

puck electric

So you think that Golf is easy?

O.K., So I toss a little white ball on the ground and puck it with a fat-headed metal stick till it falls in a hard can that be?

    The Journey Begins:

A friend of mine contends that every round of Golf is different even if played on the same course on the same day in the same conditions and I agree with him 100%. Golf is one of those sports with so many factors involved so as to make it almost quantum and chaotic by nature. I have often felt like a sea captain, driver in hand standing two meters behind a teed ball and overlooking the sea from the port as I prepare to launch my vessel on a fantastic journey. Bending to the ground to remove a pinch of grass between thumb and forefinger then standing erect to momentarily survey the terrain before tossing the light green strands skywards to get some indication of the winds movement. This ancient ritual alone bonds me with my long dead ancestors who lived before our advanced tools of navigation. Watching the grass gives the golfer and idea of the winds strength and direction. Do these current wind conditions allow me to drive straight or should I play right and let the ball be carried back around by the strong breeze? The Golf game now enters the realm of applied mathematics or physics. Each Golf club representing a different distance and height depending on the stance one takes, the individual grip and swing of the golfer (and strength thereof) and the pivot or openness of the golf club face etc. Another factor could be the mental or nervous stress. Are you playing alone or in a tournament? The patience of a vicar and the courage of a G.I. can also be invaluable assets in your Golf arsenal. Relatively happy with your drive you leave the safety of the tee and the voyage begins.

    In Full Sail:

Personally I find electric Golf carts a nuisance and distraction unless of course you are handicapped or elderly but Golf trolleys are fine in order to avert back damage through long years of carrying Golf clubs for hundreds of miles. So being in a good health condition is also a requirement for the game of Golf. Striding down the fairway you reach your golf ball and it is plugged in sponge-like ground. Taking out your archeology tools you begin to excavate. Then enters the new aspects of law and conscience as fair play and sportsmanship are required dropping the Golf ball the prescribed distance in accordance with the rules of the game. How good is the new placement and how far away from the green are you? Has the wind changed? Oh! Oh! A wide bunker and tall tree stand in the trajectory path so I need to play a high Golf shot. I don my aviators cap and prepare for flight. Having plotted in a course both long and high the Golf ball leaves the grass runway and sails high out of the metaphoric airport. Pausing momentarily I watch as it lands safely on the green.

    Reaching Your Destination:

The adventure so far has proved rather predictable leaving you with a comforted feeling of smugness. Arriving at the green you prepare to enter the next phase of this multi-personality game of Golf. Bending to one knee you survey the grooves and texture of the landscape like an experienced engineer. Walking the distance between Golf ball and pin to check for any obstacles that may be laying on the surface the physicist/mathematician returns to calculate the angles and force need to complete the journey. The putter strikes the ball firmly and the echoing hollow plink sound closes a chapter in the days book.


True, you may be familiar with every ridge, nook and cranny of a course which you regularly frequent but the constantly changing conditions such as weather, seasons, personal fitness/mental level, course upkeep (pin position/tee distance changes), skill level, playing style, Golf club brand etc. can make each round of Golf a unique experience.

Nigel Nix has been playing Golf on and off since he was 5 years old. He is now 42 and runs a humorous Golf blog. Golf Mad Blog For Golf Mad Golfers

puck electric wok

Monday, March 16, 2009

Wolfgang Puck Electric Saucier

If your arm wears out before you've created the perfect, smooth sauces or if you simply lack the manual dexterity or ability to perform repetitive whipping motions, then you'll love our Wolfgang Puck Bistro Electric Saucier. This compact-sized, handy device also whips milk, cream and other dairy products and froths beverages like chocolate milk as it heats the delectable treat into award-winning hot chocolate. You can also use it to make homemade mayonnaise, desserts and dessert toppings.The Saucier comes equipped with a heating element that optionally heats as it works. And it automatically turns off when the cycle is completed for perfect results.They're even imprinted with their use - cream, sauces and froth - to make using the Saucier virtually goof proof! And a built-in flavor hatch in the lid makes adding ingredients mess free and easy even while it's running. The Saucier also has a built-in handle and spout to enable you to pour your processed ingredients directly onto the foods or into a cup or serving piece without a mess.

Do you want to train and hone your skills in hockey and become the next Wayne Gretzky? If you do, then you need to do two things: get some hockey training equipment and start practicing.

There are many types of hockey training equipment being sold out there to improve speed, strength, and agility. If you want to skate faster and leave your opponents in the dust, then there are various forms of equipment that can help with that. One of them is a special belt with cords attached to it which is designed to develop a skater's power and speed. Two players, one standing behind the other, will each wear a belt. A cord from the belt of the one behind will be attached to the belt of the one in front. The two players will start skating in opposite directions, the one in front will skate forward and the behind will skate backwards. When the resistance of the cord is tightened enough, the player behind will release the cord and the one in front will be propelled forward. This will give the player in front a big boost so he can learn to skate faster.

Aside from developing a player's skating skill, learning to shoot a puck properly and effectively is vital in the game. After all, you can not score unless you hit the puck in the goal. There are various pucks currently available in the market today that are designed for training. These pucks weigh either lighter or heavier than the regulation pucks so the player can practice hitting heavily and lightly.

You do not need a lot of cash to train to become a great hockey player. All you need is determination, passion for the game, and the help of these training equipment. They will aid you to improve your skills, develop discipline, and to make you a better player.

Hockey Equipment provides detailed information on Hockey Equipment, Ice Hockey Equipment, Ice Hockey Goalie Equipment, Field Hockey Equipment and more. Hockey Equipment is affiliated with Hockey Tickets.

puck electric wok

Wolfgang Puck Electric Wok Stainless Steamer Insert

Take your favorite countertop wok to new heights with this Wolfgang Puck Electric Wok 14" Stainless Steel Steamer Insert. Custom designed specifically for the Wolfgang Puck Electric Wok this impressive cooking surface lets you cook family size portions of a variety of vegetables without losing flavor, freshness or nutrients.What is Refurbished? When a product is refurbished, it is made to look like and operate as a brand new item should. Many times it is as simple as the box being opened by mistake or for quality checks. Once the box has been opened, that item cannot be sold as new. Items with serious malfunctions are not refurbished, it would cost too much to refurbish them to 'like new' condition. Each refurbished item we feature is completely inspected, rerun down the production line and triple checked for quality before being packed and shipped. Most of the time the only difference between new and refurbished is the brown box and the lower price, which is your gain as an educated consumer. We are so confident with the quality of our refurbished items that we offer a full 30 day return policy with every purchase, so buy with confidence!

As you prepare for your game or race, it is important to remember that you need to focus on what you want to accomplish and to develop a strategy to execute it. Your coaches can only do so much to prepare you physically and mentally. Game time is your opportunity to take what they have laid out for you and to make it happen. They can tell you their observations and how to improve, but ultimately you and only you can pull the trigger.

Do not focus on the other team and what their weaknesses might be (on the same note, do not worship or admire them either). Even the best of teams have plenty to work on and your energy should not be wasted building yourself up. That energy you expend on them could be spent much more wisely getting into the zone and preparing for how you will perform. While skill development and conditioning are all necessary components for success, control of your emotions and mental faculties is what will separate the champions from the rest.

It is far better to play smart than to force things - take your time to line things up. Take the time today to write down 3 things you want to work on at the game today. Then for each thing, write 1 or 2 ways you could make that happen. Then review that list repeatedly. Psych yourself up. Get yourself into the zone. Spend some quiet time to visualize yourself making great passes, making smart checks, breaking the puck out, and shooting on net. The more you are able to see yourself do it, the more likely you will accomplish your goals. It is surprising what you can do when you have the will to do it. Come charged up and ready to go FOR YOU and THE TEAM, not for how good or bad the other team is. This is your battle, this is your time to show yourself what you can do when you are 100% focused.

DSWAthletes was founded to develop an athlete's fundamental core foundation by using drills common to different sports and activities. We incorporate additional performance and skill-based elements to promote strength and flexibility of the core region. In order to maximize peak performance and effectiveness, we create drills that use multiple muscle groups, improve your strength, aerobic and anaerobic capacity, and keep your body constantly guessing. Multiplicity in focus will have you seeing results faster than if you worked alone or with more conventional coaches.

Our program will develop your physiological 6th sense enabling you to react on instinct. We guide clients through a 6-station routine to keep your body constantly challenged. Our goal is to show all participants the most efficient and productive way to do things in a supportive and positive environment.

puck electric wok

Friday, March 13, 2009

Wolfgang Puck Electric Wok Stainless Steamer Insert

Take your favorite countertop wok to new heights with this Wolfgang Puck Electric Wok 14" Stainless Steel Steamer Insert. Custom designed specifically for the Wolfgang Puck Electric Wok this impressive cooking surface lets you cook family size portions of a variety of vegetables without losing flavor, freshness or nutrients.What is Refurbished? When a product is refurbished, it is made to look like and operate as a brand new item should. Many times it is as simple as the box being opened by mistake or for quality checks. Once the box has been opened, that item cannot be sold as new. Items with serious malfunctions are not refurbished, it would cost too much to refurbish them to 'like new' condition. Each refurbished item we feature is completely inspected, rerun down the production line and triple checked for quality before being packed and shipped. Most of the time the only difference between new and refurbished is the brown box and the lower price, which is your gain as an educated consumer. We are so confident with the quality of our refurbished items that we offer a full 30 day return policy with every purchase, so buy with confidence!

Do you want to train and hone your skills in hockey and become the next Wayne Gretzky? If you do, then you need to do two things: get some hockey training equipment and start practicing.

There are many types of hockey training equipment being sold out there to improve speed, strength, and agility. If you want to skate faster and leave your opponents in the dust, then there are various forms of equipment that can help with that. One of them is a special belt with cords attached to it which is designed to develop a skater's power and speed. Two players, one standing behind the other, will each wear a belt. A cord from the belt of the one behind will be attached to the belt of the one in front. The two players will start skating in opposite directions, the one in front will skate forward and the behind will skate backwards. When the resistance of the cord is tightened enough, the player behind will release the cord and the one in front will be propelled forward. This will give the player in front a big boost so he can learn to skate faster.

Aside from developing a player's skating skill, learning to shoot a puck properly and effectively is vital in the game. After all, you can not score unless you hit the puck in the goal. There are various pucks currently available in the market today that are designed for training. These pucks weigh either lighter or heavier than the regulation pucks so the player can practice hitting heavily and lightly.

You do not need a lot of cash to train to become a great hockey player. All you need is determination, passion for the game, and the help of these training equipment. They will aid you to improve your skills, develop discipline, and to make you a better player.

Hockey Equipment provides detailed information on Hockey Equipment, Ice Hockey Equipment, Ice Hockey Goalie Equipment, Field Hockey Equipment and more. Hockey Equipment is affiliated with Hockey Tickets.

puck electric wok

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Wolfgang Puck Electric Wok Stainless Steamer Insert

Take your favorite countertop wok to new heights with this Wolfgang Puck Electric Wok 14" Stainless Steel Steamer Insert. Custom designed specifically for the Wolfgang Puck Electric Wok this impressive cooking surface lets you cook family size portions of a variety of vegetables without losing flavor, freshness or nutrients.What is Refurbished? When a product is refurbished, it is made to look like and operate as a brand new item should. Many times it is as simple as the box being opened by mistake or for quality checks. Once the box has been opened, that item cannot be sold as new. Items with serious malfunctions are not refurbished, it would cost too much to refurbish them to 'like new' condition. Each refurbished item we feature is completely inspected, rerun down the production line and triple checked for quality before being packed and shipped. Most of the time the only difference between new and refurbished is the brown box and the lower price, which is your gain as an educated consumer. We are so confident with the quality of our refurbished items that we offer a full 30 day return policy with every purchase, so buy with confidence!

When you think of playing indoors, do you think of your Wii? Do your thoughts automatically go to your board game collection? Or do you have something a little bigger in mind?

If you're looking to expand your indoor fun, why not try your hand at an indoor sport or two? There are tons of options out there, limited only by what type of space and spending allowance you have. Even available space need not be a great consideration these days, since lots of popular indoor sport games tables come in a variety of sizes. This variety definitely can accommodate even the smallest of spaces.

What indoor sports come to your mind when you think about it? Probably air hockey, pool, table tennis, and foosball come to mind. Darts and bean bag tossing, known as "Baggo" or "CornHole" to some might also pop into your head. Laser tag could also be considered an indoor sport, but does require a considerable amount of fairly expensive equipment.

The biggies, though, have to be Air Hockey, Pool, and Ping-Pong. These are all sports which are played on a "games table" and require, if not a lot of skill, a commitment to having fun. Of course, some might argue with me on the "skill" part, but I say that you can play any of these games whether you are "good" or not.

If you have an air hockey table, plug it in and go have fun. Grab a mallet, cool your fingers in the jets of air, and get started! Sliding that puck across the table, banking it off the sides and hearing that satisfying "kachunk" when it slides into the goal is what it's all about. This, among all indoor sports, is one that almost anyone can play.

Of course, it would be difficult to play this game alone; unlike pool or ping-pong (in which you can fold up half the table and bounce the ball off of it racquetball-style). However, I'm sure there are lots of enterprising individuals out there who have come up with a way. Aside from that, though, air hockey is a fun game that appeals to almost everyone. From grandmas to little boys, almost everyone has played a game or two at some point.

You can also find air hockey tables almost anywhere. While you might not see many "Air Hockey Halls", you can be sure to find them at your local arcades, family fun centers, bowling alleys, hotel game rooms and even skating rinks. Churches with active youth groups and even some middle and high schools may even have them. No matter where you go, you are likely to bump into one of these fun games tables.

If the top 3 indoor sports are air hockey, pool and ping-pong, my vote goes to air hockey. It appeals to everyone, can be found virtually anywhere, and are fun and satisfying to play. If you haven't already, hop in the car, on your bike, or onto the bus and find a place to shoot some puck.

To Find more about teak furniture. Website provides info about wood patio chair and adirondack products.

puck electric wok

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

GE 52175 Fluorescent 10-1/2-Inch Closet Light - Battery Opreated with Pull String

The Breville 800ESXL - or officially the Breville 800ESXL Commercial 15-Bar Triple-Priming Die-Cast - espresso maker is a joy to behold. Fortunately, it is not all looks and no brains. The 800ESXL offers a dozen innovative features to make your espresso-making experience a delight, rather than a chore. And the taste results won't disappoint, either.

The unit is on the heavy side at 31 lbs (19 kg). That doesn't guarantee good coffee but it does help stabilize the machine and prevent tipping over. No muss, no waste, no time spent cleaning up spills. The stainless steel exterior extends that theme of durability and easy clean up.

The interior parts offer equally high quality. The porta-filter is chrome-plated brass, providing even thermal conductivity for excellent temperature control. Some users are less than thrilled with the thermoblock heating component, but the complaints are reminiscent of stereo aficionados who say that good sound can only come from a turntable and vinyl records. The difference will be undetectable to all but a few even in a blind taste test.

There is one area where the machine is less than ideal. Because of its dual-wall design (which has advantages for pressure and temperature control), the 800ESXL produces grounds that are sludgy. Most espresso lovers with experience of several machines will be used to a drier, more compact puck that simply flops out of the machine during cleanup. In this reviewer's opinion, the defect is minor.

The Breville 800ESXL espresso maker more than makes up for any less-than perfect attributes by convenience, on top of making an excellent shot of espresso.

The steam wand is thoughtfully designed, set on a ball so it can be easily turned in any direction. That's a big help when you've got different sized cups to fill, or happen to need a different angle because of counter or personal height. It's also very handy for producing hot water for tea, hot cocoa, and other drinks.

The maker does a superb job of keeping water at precisely the right temperature throughout the machine for a stellar shot. Cheaper espresso makers have hot and cold spots, producing inconsistent and inferior results. (As the water and/or coffee passes through the machine it is affected slightly by these differences.)

It's true that the thermoblock is not quite as consistent in terms of pressure and temperature as a commercial-quality brass boiler. But in actual tests the difference was virtually undetectable and the lower price makes it a toss up.

The large heating tray at the base is another nice feature, too. If, like a good barista, you pre-heat your espresso cup in order to prevent rapid cool down of the liquid, the tray will assist your efforts rather than undo them.

The removable water tank produces up to 50 shots before requiring refilling, so the Breville 800ESXL makes for a great machine for large parties.

Convenience, style, and capable of an excellent shot of espresso. What's not to like?

Looking to buy an espresso machine? Check out why the Breville 800ESXL and Breville ESP8XL espresso makers are excellent choices!

puck electric wok